Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Catching Up!

So its been forever since i have updated my blog! So much has happened lately!! but too much to write..lol!!

One awesome thing is that we took a Vaction with karls family..his sister is starting school at BYU Idaho, so we followed her down there a few weeks before she has to start to get things situated!! Well it was a blast..we drove through, Texas, New Mexico, Wyhoming, Idaho...(dropped his sisters car off there at a friends house and then all piled in the Van....then drove up too Oregon to head to Washington to see Karls brother who is in the Air Force stationed at McCord Air Force Base!!! We had the most fun in WA..as soon as we got where we needed to go we stopped and ate at my fav place The Cheesecake Factory...and i got my yummy Pot Stickers!!!! then we strolled through the mall..then went to the hotel which was awesome! then the next day we headed to Seattle where we....Took a boat ride around the Harbor...Ate at a very good resturant called Fishermans...then went to the Aquarium..then met up with his brother and ate dinner ectt...
The next day we continued where we left off in Downtown Seattle..We first went to the Science Museuem which rocked...and saw a IMAX movie!!! Soon after we took maddie to the little amusement park right below the space needle, she loveddd the rides!! Then karls mom insisted we get our family pictures done and outta the way! they turned out good i suppose! then we headed up the space needle for our day view!!! Beautiful! then dinner then back up the space needle for our night view!!! so that pretty much sums up that trip..cause we just dropped his sis off in Idaho and took the longggg drive back home!!

1 comment:

  1. GORGEOUS!!! I don't want you to move! I need to buy some bows.... Will you email me a price list and pics?? I don't have My Space anymore.... :) Miss you! xoxo
